Saturday, January 28, 2006


For so long. You never once did tell me. Hahahahahaha... and I find it amusing? Just like I've just found an extra 50 bucks in my pocket? hahahahaha... :)

Socquilational? Since 2002?? Oh my, why have you been keeping it a secret?
For so long. You made me comb through your archives to see if you've been bitching about me? wohohohohoho...

Miss Sales-girl-no-more.
The girl whom Mrs Doreen Soh used to mix me up with in science class.
The backer who never fails to track down my bullies, bash them up and make sure they tremble the next time they see me (hahaha..)
The chum who helped to paint my room with pastel coloured squares and stripes and promised to paint me a mural on my own house as a wedding gift next time...
The girlfriend who gave me a watermelon (yes, a fresh huge one complete with red lehbin somemore lor) as a valentine's gift and we sashay down Orchard road with it pretending to be the coolest chicks.
The one and only partner I can sing 多得他 and that Sammi vs Sally song with during our superstar concerts.
The "hello, morning 169. How can I hap you?" buddy.
The long time friend whose dad always try to feed me with 5 persons' share of food....

Hahahahaha.. Miss Sock ah, Miss Sock... hahahahaha... This is for you! :)


Kayie said...

Anonymous said...

Hahahhhahah! Very funny!! You just reminded me once again that I'm 26.... Oh! I mean, WE'RE 26!
